Monday, June 27, 2005

wisconsin Rules

The first stop is always Backyard Bikes. Mike hooked me up on a Fisher and I was on my way to the fun, fast, endless singletrack of Kettle Moraine.

Tractors own the road. Look out for golf carts, too.

On the last day of Lewis Camp, the red carpet is rolled out. 5 claps on 3 for MVP Suchy!

All good Catholics attend Friday Night Fish Fry. We must be Wiscon.sinners as we headed to Hernades to celebrate mom and dad's birthdays!

When the lake de-ices, trade the hockey stick for the wake board. Can I get a back flip?

No shirts allowed at the Brewers game. We can too get a tan in the shade!

It's a state law that you must finish your entire beer
before ordering another no matter how warm it is, how much back wash is in 'der or how many people have helped you drink it.
And you can't leave Lake Geneva until you sink 10 baskets at Champs! 1....1....1....1....1....1.... 2!!!....2....2....


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